white heat
- n.白热;白炽

The battle between the two groups was At a white heat .
Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat ?
Three days , at white heat , completed his narrative .
He was at a white heat , when I paid him a visit .
The sun 's rays beamed down on our heads with a white heat .
The fierce flames of his mad desire to destroy suddenly rose to white heat .
Ando 's recent lecture in shanghai leaded to another white heat of Ando fan .
Writing , for lawrence , depended on inspiration . inspired , he worked in a white heat of creative energy , uninspired , he worked not at all .
Think of it not as if the decision of the question depended upon yourself . But as if it depended upon that hot-blooded princess , her soul at a white heat under the fires of sadness and jealousy . She had lost him , but who should have him ?
In the midst of these luminous sheets of water , I then glimpsed flashes of light , like those seen inside a blazing furnace from streams of molten lead or from masses of metal brought to a white heat -- flashes so intense that certain areas of the light became shadows by comparison ,
The latter is of white colony , heat resistance and smooth chlamydospores .
Objective : To determine the activity of avidin in hens egg white power after heat treatment .
Circular dichroism measurement found the formation of a β - sheet and random coil-based secondary structure in egg white proteins after heat treatment . The structural changes caused by the heat treatment of egg white proteins contributed little to the DH growth .
Summer hats for men and women should be white to reduce the heat .
This paper highlights the experiment results in improving the toughness and hardness of white cast iron by heat treatment .
The results showed that the composite pipe is composed of ceramic layer , pearlite transition layer and cast iron layer with white iron layer , heat diffusion zone and matrix of base nodular cast iron .
The world visible outside the patch of shade was roasting in the blazing noonday sun , and a blinding white sheet of simmering heat enveloped the river valley .